WPPA Board of Directors
All parents that enroll their child in the program become members of the Welles Park Parent Association (WPPA). A board that consists of volunteer officers, directors and commissioners make the operating decisions. These volunteers, along with a representative of the park district staff, comprise the voting members of the WPPA board. Regular board meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 7:30pm throughout the year at the Welles Park Field House or virtually. All members of the WPPA are welcome to attend.
Executive Officers | ||
Name | Role | Email Address |
David Saunders | President | president@wppachicago.org |
Jen Patras | VP - Secretary & Development | secretary@wppachicago.org |
Marty McCaffrey | VP - Treasurer | treasurer@wppachicago.org |
David Kunkle | VP - Scheduling | scheduling@wppachicago.org |
Allison Bolger | VP - Registration | registration@wppachicago.org |
Kristin Reynolds | VP - Marketing, Comms & Events | marketing@wppachicago.org |
Commissioners (Baseball) | ||
Name | Role | Email Address |
Jen Gingrass | Rookie Commissioner | rookie@wppachicago.org |
Joe Negussie | Junior Commissioner | junior@wppachicago.org |
Gabriel Morales | Minor Commissioner | minor@wppachicago.org |
Andy Saur | Major Commissioner | major@wppachicago.org |
David Schwartz | Senior Commissioner | senior@wppachicago.org |
Steve Holowka | Liberty Commissioner | liberty@wppachicago.org |
Jake Siddall | Fall Baseball Commissioner | fallbaseball@wppachicago.org |
Jeremy Stump | Travel Baseball Coordinator | travelbaseball@wppachicago.org |
Commissioners (Softball) | ||
Name | Role | Email Address |
Jeff Sieracki | 8U & 10U | 8u10usoftball@wppachicago.org |
Jen Ruff | 12U & 14U | 12u14usoftball@wppachicago.org |
Tara Attea | Fall Softball Commissioner | fallsoftball@wppachicago.org |
Jason McClain | Travel Softball Coordinator | travelsoftball@wppachicago.org |
Directors | ||
Name | Role | Email Address |
Nate Harrell | Equipment | equipment@wppachicago.org |
Steve Pfeiffer | Equipment Asst. | equipment@wppachicago.org |
Steve Reaven | Fields | fields@wppachicago.org |
Gary Guidi | Fields Asst. | fields@wppachicago.org |
Julie O'Connell | Sponsorship/Fundraising | sponsorship@wppachicago.org |