WPPA Board of Directors

All parents that enroll their child in the program become members of the Welles Park Parent Association (WPPA).  A board that consists of volunteer officers, directors and commissioners make the operating decisions.  These volunteers, along with a representative of the park district staff, comprise the voting members of the WPPA board.  Regular board meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 7:30pm throughout the year at the Welles Park Field House or virtually.  All members of the WPPA are welcome to attend.

Executive Officers
Name Role Email Address
David Saunders President president@wppachicago.org
Jen Patras VP - Secretary & Development secretary@wppachicago.org
Marty McCaffrey VP - Treasurer treasurer@wppachicago.org
David Kunkle VP - Scheduling scheduling@wppachicago.org
Allison Bolger VP - Registration registration@wppachicago.org
Kristin Reynolds VP - Marketing, Comms & Events marketing@wppachicago.org
Commissioners (Baseball)
Name Role Email Address
Jen Gingrass Rookie Commissioner rookie@wppachicago.org
Joe Negussie Junior Commissioner junior@wppachicago.org
Gabriel Morales Minor Commissioner minor@wppachicago.org
Andy Saur Major Commissioner major@wppachicago.org
David Schwartz Senior Commissioner senior@wppachicago.org
Steve Holowka Liberty Commissioner liberty@wppachicago.org
Jake Siddall Fall Baseball Commissioner fallbaseball@wppachicago.org
Jeremy Stump Travel Baseball Coordinator travelbaseball@wppachicago.org
Commissioners (Softball)
Name Role Email Address
Jeff Sieracki 8U & 10U 8u10usoftball@wppachicago.org
Jen Ruff 12U & 14U 12u14usoftball@wppachicago.org
Tara Attea Fall Softball Commissioner fallsoftball@wppachicago.org
Jason McClain Travel Softball Coordinator travelsoftball@wppachicago.org
Name Role Email Address
Nate Harrell Equipment equipment@wppachicago.org
Steve Pfeiffer Equipment Asst. equipment@wppachicago.org
Steve Reaven Fields fields@wppachicago.org
Gary Guidi Fields Asst. fields@wppachicago.org
Julie O'Connell Sponsorship/Fundraising sponsorship@wppachicago.org